Psychoanalyst & Clinical Psychologist
Michael J. Diamond
Psychoanalyst & Clinical Psychologist, distinguished clinician, teacher, and author of several books, including: "Ruptures in the American Psyche: Containing Destructive Populism in Perilous Times;" "Masculinity and Its Discontents: The Male Psyche and the Inherent Tensions of Maturing Manhood;" The Second Century of Psychoanalysis: Evolving Perspectives on Therapeutic Action" and several others.

Dr. Diamond’s Latest Releases
"Michael Diamond presents a profound interdisciplinary understanding of the disturbing and dangerous psychic ruptures that currently exist on both the individual and group level not just in America but around the world. A diverse readership of psychoanalysts, social scientists, politicians, and concerned citizens will enjoy his generous cross-disciplinary glossary of terms."
Harriet Wolfe, M.D., President, International Psychoanalytic Association
"In this insightful book, Michael J. Diamond brings together decades of his impressive psychoanalytic scholarship on male identity formation pressured by cultural ideals of manhood. Diamond underscores the tenuous nature of masculinity, detailing the vulnerabilities inherent in male development within familial and societal contexts. Each chapter’s extended clinical material illustrates considerable sensitivity and wisdom from a seasoned analyst. His approach is poignant and humble; this is an attuned guide for clinicians wanting to understand more deeply their work with men."
– Dianne Elise, Ph.D., is the author of Creativity and the Erotic Dimensions of the Analytic Field (2019).
“This exceptional book is not only essential for all clinical analysts—both experienced ones and those at the beginning of their careers, but it also comes at a particular sociocultural moment in which we need to face up to many misunderstandings and negative views about what mature manhood means.”
Cláudio Laks Eizirik, M.D., Ph.D. Former President, International Psychoanalytical Association, and Training and Supervising Analyst, Porto Alegre Psychoanalytic Society (Brazil)
Masculinity and its Discontents
"How to be a man today? How to be a father? How do parents shape the gender identity of their sons? What conflicts influence lifelong male development in times of fluid gender identities?... A unique feature of the book is Diamond’s impressively comprehensible presentation of the concept of psychic bigenderality to refer to a permanent tension between the inner masculine and feminine"
Professor Martin Teising is former President of the International Psychoanalytic University in Berlin and is the author of numerous books and articles on masculinity and male development.
"In this insightful book, Michael J. Diamond brings together decades of his impressive psychoanalytic scholarship on male identity formation pressured by cultural ideals of manhood... His approach is poignant and humble; this is an attuned guide for clinicians wanting to understand more deeply their work with men."
Ken Corbett, Ph.D., author of Masculinities (2009) and A Murder Over a Girl: Justice, Gender, Junior High (2016)